Sales! on Tasbihaat upto 30% Off

Product No: 30400

Deal 1 ( 12 Different Gems )



The set has the following Stones:

  1. Zard Irani Haqeeq
  2. Sulaimani Haqeeq
  3. Dodhya Haqeeq
  4. Black Haqeeq
  5. Shajri Haqeeq
  6. Zarkoon
  7. Firoza
  8. Irani Yaqoot
  9. Yamni Haqeeq Green
  10. Marjan
  11. Temperature Change Stone
  12. Aqua Light Stone

 2,450  3,580 (Free Delivery)


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Name of  stones in this deal:

1- Zard Aqeeq
2- Sulaimani Aqeeq
3- Dodhya Aqeeq
4- Black Aqeeq
5- Shajri Aqeeq
6- Zarkoon
7- Hussaini Feroza
8- Anari Yaqoot
9- Sabz Yamni Aqeeq
10- Marjan
11- Temprature Change Magic Stone
12- Fire Stone


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